A New Direction

Considering how much both Poptropica and I have changed, I will be posting critiques and reflections on the state of the game, what films inspired certain islands, and so forth. I haven’t abandoned art, so prepare for an influx of (much more developed) work. I hope to bring a mature and unique perspective on the state of the games. I’m not quite as optimistic as I was about six years ago– when I initially began my full commitment to the fandom. I am going to university soon for a communications degree, so I hope to make this blog integral to my experience as I compile essays that have been waiting to be written for years on my takes and genuine worries for the game that defined my childhood.

Prepare yourselves, Poptropicans. And welcome to my new era.

A Blast From the Past.

Hello, Popular Wolf here. Some of you may have recognized me from old and new Poptropica discords alike, or remembered me as a friend, a blogger, an artist (a not very good one, to be honest.). I haven’t touched this blog in years, and it haunted me for a period of time. This was my lifeblood. I adored the fandom, and seeing it wane without a constant stream of content hurt me. I was growing up, past the OwOs and the typing quirks. This blog stopped being touched around my 8th grade year in 2017. I’m now a senior in high school, and very different.

My love for Poptropica has stayed the same. This game was a large part of my childhood, my tweens and my early teens. It influenced my imagination and is a long-term special interest of mine. And now, as an 18 year old, I hope to take this blog and revitalize it. I have left it dead for too long. This marks the beginning of a new era.

To those who have stuck around and to those who have had a hand in my early years of the internet, you have my utmost gratitude.

Thank you.