Happy Halloween!!

BOO!! Happy Halloween, my fellow Poptropicans! I can’t thank you enough for following me and visiting this blog. Over 400 hits already!

Now, enough with the emotional stuff. It’s time for…

Popular Wolf’s Halloween Horrors (of Poptropica!!)

 popthingy Continue reading “Happy Halloween!!”


Heeeyyy guys!! It’s PW with HUGE news! There’s a new island, and if you’ve been keeping up with the daily pop, then you know what I’m talking about. I logged onto my Poptropica account and left Poptropicon to find this:


That’s all I have for now. Come back for more updates!!

–PW 🙂

Halloween photos and Poptropica pets!

Heeeyyy, guys! It’s your hostess with the most-ess, PW, with some awesome info! Poptropica is now hosting a Halloween photo contest, so check out the photo booth and submit! 

Another cool thing is another app update! Now, you can get a pet costume in the app store (3 outfits for $0.99).

That’s all I got for today. Pop on!


App Update (Again!)

Heeeyyy guys! It’s me, PW, with a major update! Remember how only Amazon/Kindle Fires were able to upload their avatars into the app? Now it’s for all devices!! Now my messy rag of hair will be known throughout the app as well!!

On a smaller note, you can now feed animals in Realms and they’ll become nicer (now I don’t need to electrocute as many animals…).

That’s all for today. Pop on!