Let’s Evanescence This Sucker

Heeeyyy guys! PW here, and a lot has happened behind the scenes of the computer screen. I’m working on animations and fan fics, scripts, art, homework, posts, blah blah blah… A ton of drama, too, that I don’t wanna talk about. Y’all know it’s back to school season, but I’ve gotten better at managing my multiple lives. So it’s time to revive this spunk-baby and bring the posts back!

I mean, I am working on a lot of things, and I plan on making a video game too (eheheh), but this blog used to be super and… not dead. I’m going to make sure I bring it back from death and post about Poptropica’s inactivity! But what’s going to happen when the new Poptropica comes out?


Make another blog.

I will always be PW. Poptropica is my home. But things’ll be a bit different… and I’ve got a bunch of ideas in store, so be prepared 😉

See ya l8r, Poptropi-g8rs!

